Sunday, May 20, 2007

IIT in Orissa: Plan of action

Dear all:

Thank you for all that you have already done for the IIT in Orissa cause. We are chronicling the efforts and happenings at and

Based on various news reports following is the current situation -in a nutshell-with respect to getting an IIT in Orissa.

  1. The media is regularly covering the issue and the general people in streets have become aware of the issue of IIT as well as the central neglect/injustice/discrimination against Orissa.
  2. The Orissa MPs, polticians, and the CM are all frequently mentioning the IIT issue as well as the central neglect/injustice/discrimination against Orissa.
  3. The congress people in Orissa have become aware of the importance of these issues and the congress minister Chandrasekhar Sahu has discussed it with the PM and the PM seems to be suggesting that he will announce some institutes in a few months when he comes to Orissa.

With that background we can do the following:

  1. Write/call/email to Orissa MPs and convery to them that they should meet the PM and make a case for an IIT (and more) to him.
  2. Write/call/email the Orissa CM and convey to them that he should meet the PM and make a case for an IIT (and more) to him.
  3. Write/call/email Congress leaders from Orissa, especially minister Chandrasekhar Sahu and convey to him that we are not stupid; a 1000-4000 crore IIT can not be substituted by 2-3 small 2-3 crore type institutes or institutes (like IIIT made via PPP, or central university type funding to one university in each state) that all states will be getting anyway. Note each state is supposed to get a IIIT and one university in each state is supposed to become a central university equivalent. So those don't count. WE NEED AN IIT or AN IIT EQUIVALENT. This message must be conveyed to the PM directly or via Mr. Chandrasekhar Sahu.
  4. Spread this message to other Oriyas.
best regards

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